Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cousin Hootenanny

Thanks to all of the Cousins who made it to the Cousin Hootenanny! I am so glad we all got a chance to get together and just talk! I am pretty disapointed that we weren't able to play the following games though:
1. Red Rover
2. Mother may I?
3. Statues
4. Red Light Green Light
5. No Bears are out Tonight
6. Around the World
7. Spookalley's
8. Hide & seek
9. Hypnotizying
10. Anything else you can think of?
I am also glad that the younger generation could get together and play with each other! My kids had a blast playing with all of the cousins! Let's plan a Christmas Cousin Party and play some fun games together! Thanks for coming again!!
Love, Andrea


  1. This may have been only a "little girl's" game, but we played Witches a lot in my basement bathroom when everyone came to Burley.

  2. I wish that I could have been there! I heard that you guys had a great time!

  3. What a good looking group! We miss you all!

  4. Heather, you will have to ask Teresa to tell you about the crazy song she taught all of us on the log next door to Grandma and Grandpa's old house. {aka: constipation song} Good thing she is a great cousin, otherwise I would be worried about all of those wierd songs sticking with me forever!

  5. We missed everyone who couldn't make it! And just for the record, I only invited The Dunn's and Hobson's just so they felt included--yes I know that they don't live in Utah!! :)
    Christmas will have to be the next time we gather as cousins for some fun games! If you couldn't make it, would you mind sending me a picture of yourself and your kids if you have them for a little project I am working on for Grandma for Christmas? Send it to suzukiviolin@hotmail.com
    Thanks everyone!
