Friday, April 10, 2009

Crockpot Chicken

Hey I am looking for a new and different recipe to do some sort of chicken in the crock pot and would love any suggestions out there! :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

The rumor is true

I heard we were not have a girls hootenanny tomorrow night while the men are at priesthood session. This really saddens me because it is tradition.

I just miss seeing everyone. Is that a crime?

Here is a popcorn ball from me to all of you, to remember the good times.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tortilla Soup

This recipe is a favorite in my house...especially since I am on a quest of losing weight! It is very healthy, low fat and yummy!

4 Cooked Chicken Breasts, cubed
4 cups chicken broth
4 cups stewed tomatoes {I blend them before so they aren't chunky}
1-2 can corn
1-2 can black beans
Taco Seasoning
{Heat this mixture up in a pot until hot}

Lime Tortilla Chips
Squeeze of Lime
Avacado, diced

Delicious on these cold snowy days in Utah! Where is our beautiful Spring days?