Friday, March 13, 2009

Deals to Meals

This morning I was on Good Things Utah! That is right, I was in the studio audience supporting my friend who is the most amazing cook I have ever met! She has this website where you can find food storage deals at the top 5 grocery stores in Utah and then turn those ingredients on sale into meals! The meals are all so yummy and I copy off the recipes every week and put them into a binder. {It also gives you the ingredient list!}

Anyway, just wanted to tell ya about my meal finder that I use all of the time!

{Side Note: I still don't have any of the Dunn Girls Emails, Any of the Mark Andersons and Brent Anderson's email addresses, so if you have them, please send them my way so I can tell them about the blog! You can post anything you want-recipes, news, anything!!}


  1. Sounds awesome! Could you share the link? I clicked on the pictures and they just took me to a page with the picture, not the website.

  2. Andrea!! Guess what? Me and my mom were watching that this morning and I was telling her that one time I was watching it and I saw Lezlie in the audience. I guess we should have watched closer to see another relative in the crowd!!

  3. The website is

    You can try it out for 2 weeks for free-she has great recipes on her site, so I will share some awesome ones on this blog!
